The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Artisan Pop-Ups – Saturdays May-August, 10am to 3pm

Once again The Avant-Garden Shop will be hosting artisans at their shop throughout the spring and summer. Starting May 6th and going until the end of August, artists can book a FREE space in front of the shop to show and sell their work. The work needs to be somewhat related to the theme of … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 92 – Artist Hedy Campbell, Colouring book (June 24, 2016)

CHEX TV airdate: June 24th, 2016Click link to watch this episode online. Colouring books!  They’re all the rage this year!  It is an activity that seems to bring back thoughts of our childhood.  People who like to do puzzles, crafts or had coloured as children are attracted to the many colouring books on the market … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 65 – Father’s Day gift ideas

CHEX TV airdate: June 12th 5-6pm Click link to watch this episode online. ? Men can be difficult to buy gifts for! ?But they work hard and deserve a little something on Father’s Day. ?On this episode of The Garden Gate, I do a quick run through of items that we have found to be popular in the shop. 1395080127_tmh55maleTilley hats, thermometers, Rain Gauges, fun steamwhistleBeer glasses or Beer soap! If he has a vegetable garden, our Telescoping weeder is perfect. ?Throw in a pair of gloves and you’re set! Wall panels and rustic sculptureOr if he’d rather have something fun to place in the garden, we have some metal Moose, Beavers and Bears! ?These pre-rusted pieces are made in BC and add fun and humour to the garden. Our Garden Gate segments are just 3 minutes long and are uploaded to our YouTube channel after airing on CHEX TV.

Garden Gate: Episode 60 -The Peterborough Garden Show!

Ptbo Garden Show Logo smallCHEX TV airdate, March 27th, 2015 5-6pm. Click link to watch this episode. Easter Weekend there will be one of the best Garden Shows in the region on at the Evinrude Centre. Thursday April 2nd, 5-9pm Friday April 3rd, 10-5pm Saturday April 4th, 10-4pm Closed Sunday (because of Good Friday opening) On this episode I will be joined by Rachel Burrows to talk about all the new and exciting things happening at the Garden Show. For more information on the Garden Show visit their website.

Garden Gate: Episode 9 – The Peterborough Garden Show

OL_Ptbo Garden Show Logo smallCHEX TV air date: Fri. Apr. 5th, 2013

Click here to watch this episode of?The Garden Gate.

Rachel Burrows, chair of the Peterborough Garden Show was our guest. We discussed the garden show which is held the second weekend in April each year at the Evinrude Centre in Peterborough. Rachel gave us information on this very successful gardening show which began in 2000.


Garden Gate: Episode 7 – Heritage Tomatoes

tomatoesCHEX TV air date: Fri. 8th, 2013

Click here to watch this episode of?The Garden Gate.

Jillian Bishop (aka The Tomato Lady) from The Urban Tomato was my guest this week. We talked about Heritage Tomatoes and the wonderful and flavourful varieties now available.

Heritage tomatoes are the old “antique” varieties that you just can’t find in the grocery stores.? Because other tomatoes are grown for their durability during shipping?they are?not as flavourful.? Heritage tomatoes come in purple, orange, yellow, white, striped etc.? Growing a wide variety is fun when you can present a plate full of these colourful beauties to your dinner guests!

I have grown some in the past and they are absolutely delicious. If you happen to grow some of the cherry tomatoes you may find they never make it to the kitchen. They are so delicious right from the vine. I have a terrific sesame salsa recipe that is easy to make with sweet cherry tomatoes. The sweet and sesame work very well together.

Keep in mind that some of these tomatoes are “indeterminate” which means they are not short and bushy but can get quite long. Staking is necessary.

Each year Jill hosts a Seedy Sunday, seed exchange. ?Crowds flock to get a jump on spring. ?Visit her blog for details.


The Avant-Garden Shop