The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 19 – Butterfly gardens at The Ecology Park

monarch-butterfly-cp-3649958CHEX TV air date: Fri. Aug. 23rd, 2013

Click here to view this episode of ?The Garden Gate. ?

We visited The Ecology Park to talk with the manager Marcy Adzich about butterflies and how to build gardens for them and to attract them to your back yard. It was an eye opener! ?

This year we have seen very few butterflies and Kevin (CHEX TV camera man) had a really hard time finding ANY butterflies to film. ?There are a variety of reasons why we haven’t seen as many this year and we talk a little about that.

We can still plant gardens and provide water and nectar for them, in hopes that they will return and their population will increase again. ?


The Avant-Garden Shop