The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Wendy Stanwick – A Slice of the North

Wendy Stanwick – A Slice of the North Jewelry A Slice of the North was conceived and created by Wendy Stanwick. Using the natural materials found in and around the tiny town of Matachewan, Ontario. Wendy has created a unique, made in Canada-of Canada mini work of Art. The local prospectors and miners provide her … Read more

Peter Baker – Island Winds, Prince Edward Island

For a guy who does not claim to be very musical, Peter Baker has managed to bring a lot of music into people’s lives. For the last 20 years, Peter has been making wind chimes at his studio situated atop the hills of South Granville – one of the windiest locations on Prince Edward Island. … Read more

Jack Willoughby – Anvil Island

Jack Willoughby was born in Newport News, Virginia, spent part of his youth in California and now lives on Vancouver Island where the ocean beaches give him much of his inspiration. Jack’s career as an artist began in steel working, then teaching metal work at a Vancouver College, where the freedom to create his own … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop