The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Tips: Squirrels at Your Bird Feeder

Keeping squirrels away from feeders can be a constant effort. They eat a lot of seed, which makes maintaining your feeder more costly. They also dominate the feeder, scaring the birds we want to attract away. There’s another good reason to reduce squirrel and chipmunk access to your bird seed: they eat bird eggs and … Read more

A Pane in the Neck: Reflections on Birds and Windows

We’ve all heard it: the unmistakable thump of a bird smashing into a closed window. We rush outside to assess the situation. With luck, there’s either no bird there or it’s resting on the ground, panting and dazed, and flies away in a few minutes. Sometimes, the little one’s not so lucky. Window strikes are … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 140 – Intricate Greeting cards with guest Heather Nisbett

On this episode of The Garden Gate Brenda chat’s with Heather Nisbett from “Intricate greetings” about this beautiful and fascinating item now available in the shop! A couple years ago, Heather and her husband embarked on a holiday to Vietnam, excited to experience the culture, scenery, history and food, and they were not disappointed! They … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 139 – Tips and Tricks to attract hummingbirds (May 11th, 2018)

On this episode of The Garden Gate I offer a few tips about hummingbirds and some tricks to help you attract them! A hummingbird flaps its wings up to 70 times per second; its heart rate can reach 1,260 beats per minute. Hummingbirds can extend their long, skinny tongues twice as far as the bill, which helps them reach nectar deep inside … Read more

Garden Gate: Episode 138 – Soap stone carving kits for children (April 27th, 2018)

How it all started!  Co-founder Oliver Harwood was asked to teach an elementary school class how to carve soapstone.  The first class was a hit and grew to 33 classes in the first year. In the last two years they have grown to teach more than 10,000 students in more than 300 schools.  They have … Read more

Garden Gate Episode 134: Bee friendly Bird Food

Pollinators, pollinator gardens, bee houses, bee friendly gardens. These are the BUZZ words these days.  But they shouldn’t just be a passing fancy.  Bees are very important for our environment.  Without their pollinating abilities our grocery store shelves would be almost empty! So how does this relate to bird food?  If your bird food is … Read more

Garden Gate Episode: 133 – Annual Backyard Bird Count with guest Drew Monkman

  Drew Monkman is a retired teacher, author and local naturalist.  Drew has written the book “Nature’s Year in the Kawartha’s”, an updated version renamed “Nature’s Year” and co-written another “Big Book of Nature” with Jacob Rodenburg of the Kawartha Environment Centre. On this episode of The Garden Gate we talk about the Great Backyard … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop