The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 188-Feeding the birds during stressful times (April 10 2020)

Watching the birds is a very relaxing and stress reducing hobby. We have been overwhelmed at this time with requests to purchase our bird food and bird feeders so have implemented a sidewalk pick up program, trunk drop and also deliveries. Hours of operation have expanded during the pandemic crisis to Tuesday to Saturday from … Read more

Garden Tips: Marching Into Spring

The days are getting longer, and the Northern Cardinals and American Robins are singing up a storm! Things start getting busier in March in the bird world as our year-round-resident cavity-nesting species start courtship and breeding behaviours. Male songbirds use song to define and defend their territories, as well as to attract females. Woodpeckers use … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop