The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Feeder interlopers – on grackles and starlings

You’ve bought and/or cleaned your feeders. You’ve taken the time to set up your feeding station to maximize the numbers of birds and bird species that might use it. You’ve purchased high-quality, non-GMO bird feed and have stocked your station. You’ve waited with excitement to see who comes to use your new arrangement. …Common Grackles … Read more

Why do hummingbirds hum?

May 1st(ish) typically heralds the springtime return of hummingbirds and orioles from their southern wintering grounds. They fly far and hard to get here and benefit from whatever energetic support they can get. If you don’t already have them or want more, we carry a nice selection of oriole and hummingbird feeders. Hummingbird feeder set-up … Read more

It’s a challenging time for birds. And bird lovers…

Spring migration is a physically demanding time for birds. Imagine the physicality of flying from Central or South America with the added challenges of unpredictable food sources and confusing high-rise tower lights along the way. This is a time when readily available energy can literally mean life or death. Bird feeders well-stocked with high-quality, high-fat … Read more

Garden Tips: Planting for winter bird use

You’ve purchased and set up your bird feeding station, filled it with high-quality bird food, sat down by the window with your binoculars and identification guide, and… …no birds! What’s up with that? Birds need food to survive, of course, and feeders can provide them with desperately needed calories, especially in the deep cold of … Read more

Winter Birdwatching Tips

There are far fewer bird species around during the winter months, which can, perhaps counterintuitively, make bird watching more enjoyable. For newcomers to birding, fewer species means a less overwhelming learning curve. Many of the species that overwinter here stay for the spring and summer, making winter a good time to establish a solid knowledge … Read more

More isn’t always better… birds and windows

Can you guess how many bird species have been documented in the Peterborough region? 307! With a blend of urban areas, lakes and rivers, agricultural fields, and forests, the Peterborough area encompasses a huge variety of habitats. On top of that, we sit in an area know as “The Land Between,” the transition zone between … Read more

Garden Tips: For the love of (su)et

Love feeding woodpeckers and nuthatches? If so, suet feeders are the way to go, but suet attracts more than woodpeckers and nuthatches, and not all suet is created equal. First, suet is a firm usually animal-fat-based cake filled with fruit and seeds that are eaten by birds. Many bird species frequent suet feeders in the … Read more

Seen any new birds lately?

If there’s one thing that’s boomed during COVID, it’s birdwatching! With more time at home and less abroad, so many have turned their attention to the beauties they share their yards, gardens, and local parks with and are continually amazed by the variety of species so close to home. I (Brenda) saw my first American … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop