The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 101 – Migrating birds at the feeder (Drew Monkman guest)

CHEX TV airdate: Friday Oct. 28th between 5 and 5:30pm.
Click link to watch this episode online.

brenda46-1-of-1Now is the time to keep your bird feeders full of quality fresh bird food!

Migrating birds are more apt to drop by and visit your feeders if they are clean and full. They may drop by for a few days or stick around a little longer as they move from their summer home to their winter home.

My guest on this episode is Drew Monkman, local naturalist and author. He shares with us what birds we should be seeing at this time of year. You could be seeing White throated sparrows, Juncos, White crowned sparrow, Purple finch etc.

At my feeders I’m seeing lots of Dark eyed Juncos and American goldfinch. The goldfinch have changed to their olive coloured winter plumage and have been very active enjoying my fresh nyder seed. Also a family of Blue Jays showed up in the early fall and have been feasting on my peanuts!

All of our Garden Gate episodes can be found on our YouTube channel. Episodes are generally less than 3 minutes long but filled with great information.  Enjoy!  YouTube channel


The Avant-Garden Shop