The Avant-Garden Shop: Your Garden & Bird Store

Garden Gate: Episode 232-Cardinals

On this episode I share tips on how to attract cardinals to your feeders. I talk about the type of feeders they prefer, their favourite seed and also what trees to plant! Cardinals are a favourite of most customers and it’s the goal to get one to their feeders! We can help. Take just 2 … Read more

Garden Tips: Planting for winter bird use

You’ve purchased and set up your bird feeding station, filled it with high-quality bird food, sat down by the window with your binoculars and identification guide, and… …no birds! What’s up with that? Birds need food to survive, of course, and feeders can provide them with desperately needed calories, especially in the deep cold of … Read more

Garden Tips: Is feeding birds helpful to them or a hindrance?

In addition to the pleasure that comes from watching birds at a feeder, many people choose to feed birds to help them out. You may have heard the idea that birds become dependent on feeders, and we could end up harming them if we stop stocking our feeders. The scientific literature suggests this may not … Read more

The Avant-Garden Shop